Top Tech Trends to Watch Out for in 2021

Understanding what the future holds in store for businesses after the paradigm shift towards technological solutions this year.

Among all its negative connotations, 2020 was the springboard for technology; resorting to digital was a direct corollary of the pandemic. Statistics highlight that the use of digital was already on the rise when the pandemic propelled its progress by five years. So, the efforts of digitization put in by businesses to battle COVID-19 won’t go in vain, but will in fact make them more resilient and future-ready.

Moving on, as we bid adieu to this exhausting year, and hope to soon extend this goodbye to the pandemic as well, let’s consider what comes after this tipping point of technology. With ever-changing trends and quick innovations, there’s a lot in store for businesses to watch out for in 2021, here’s a list to help you stay ahead of the curve.

Intelligent Workflow Management

Remote working is here to stay, even in the much-awaited post COVID-19 world. Contrary to all preconceptions, such work patterns won recognition for increased productivity and efficiency this year. Given this success, businesses and employees alike hope to permanently introduce remote work policies in partial capacity at the least.

This transition demands businesses to support hybrid architectures, which are unique to each, by selecting from a range of technologies, including cloud, edge, or quantum. With a majority of the workflow online and expected cybersecurity threats, we foresee the rise of intelligent networks that guarantee integrated security.

Cloud, Edge & Quantum Computing

Much before the happenings of 2020, cloud computing had already become a popular choice across industries for its scalability, agility, and cost-efficiencies. This year merely vaulted its progress by emphasizing a digital-ready business model. Now accustomed to its convenience and convinced of its value, businesses are expected to allocate higher budgets towards unifying cloud environments.

The end of the pandemic is likely to be the start of a new wave of computing with quantum and edge leading the way. Quantum computers are extremely powerful resources built to solve problems that are too complex for a classic computer. As we explore the potential of this maturing technology, we expect its application across industries (mainly healthcare and banking) in 2021 and beyond.

Edge computing, on the other hand, comes as a solution to the latency of cloud-based computing. It processes information near or at the source of data and requires custom chips. However, edge computing enhances cloud applications, it doesn’t replace them.

5G Infrastructure

The next tech marvel waiting to amaze us all is 5G. After 3G and 4G introducing us to the comfort of faster access to the internet and data-driven services, 5G services are expected to revolutionize our lives. By supporting advanced technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), it seems like a promising innovation for businesses to leverage and evolve with. As telecom companies work on 5G applications, more than 30 countries should have this service by the end of 2021.

Automation – AI, ML & RPA

A key takeaway from the pandemic, for businesses worldwide, is to gravitate towards solutions that make them more agile and resilient in the face of an uncertain future. 2020 saw a surge in the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

In the following year, we’re likely to see a similar pattern continue by an increase in the automation of repetitive and predictable workflows.

Super Apps

Smartphone and mobile app usage scaled new heights when it became the only source of external contact for people this year. With a plethora of apps competing for space on a user’s device, we expect a rise of ‘super apps,’ applications that offer various solutions under one roof.

To conclude, we foresee a greater dependence on technology across industries including, education (Leading Technologies in EdTech), healthcare, HomeCare (Technology Impact on Home Care Businesses) banking & finance. Now, more than ever, it’s time for businesses to reflect, learn, and work on a technologically-advanced infrastructure that can withstand the precarious future. 




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