Overcoming Top 10 Challenges in Enterprise Application Development.

In the quest for prosperity and business success, global business organizations have started realizing the importance of Enterprise App Development. The demand for enterprise mobile app development has been on the rise over the years. While there are unlimited advantages of implementing an enterprise app, efficiently managing the challenges that occur in the enterprise mobile app development process is crucial.

The Major Challenges in Enterprise App Development and the Remedies

1. Business requirements and environments keep changing

It is a dynamic business setting globally. Today, with several things on the move, changes and shifts are constant in the global business ecosystem. While a few may be technical transformations, others may be in the form of economic disruptions. New workflows and requirements keep coming up, making it hard for the developers.


Adopting a modular architecture helps to face this challenge. Using handy modules of code ensures that any change to a module does not impact others.

2. Security is a major concern

Unlike other generic apps, enterprise app includes a lot of crucial business data. User access control and protection of the application’s resources is a challenge. Enterprises need to be extra cautious about security and stay vigilant against hacking and other cyber attacks.


Periodical application vulnerability tests help to check whether the application, back-end service, and the server are secure. Ensuring user permissions and user information privacy protection must be a priority in Enterprise App Development.

3. The shift toward the mobile platform

The global enterprise mobility market has been growing significantly. As mobility expedites information sharing and increases productivity, the inevitable shift toward mobile platform is another challenge faced by enterprise mobile app development companies.


Ensure that the application has a user-friendly interface and is not heavy. Providing good user experience is crucial in satisfying the users.

4. Handling big data

Almost any global enterprise consists of a large volume of wealthy data. Effectively managing Big Data is a challenge. The colossal data involves data center costs, network costs, and storage costs. Moreover, it tends to slow down the response rate for the end-user. Locating and rationalizing the organization’s data properly while narrowing down the data sources is essential, but tough.


Make it a point to move the inactive data to Big Data platforms that offer storage, security, and maintenance. Decide whether the Big Data application will be cloud-based or on-premise.

5. Changing technology

There is a constant progress in technology. After being delivered, enterprise mobile apps might require core changes because of the changes that the company has made on the technology front.


Future-proofing is the way forward amid the technological advancements. Having deep insights into the latest trends is imperative. Staying updated and being prepared for what is about to occur in the future is essential for effective enterprise mobile app development.

6. Interoperability issues

All the systems in an enterprise application must be well-linked with each other. Adherence to interoperability standards is hard.


Using enterprise interoperability frameworks helps to achieve interoperability.

7. Maintenance is a concern

Not just operating the product, identifying and correcting defects as well is crucial in enterprise application development.


Modular architecture helps to improve maintenance tasks. It helps to save time as well as money related to maintainability.

8. User interface

The application has to be fast; it must be easy to use. An excellent user interface is imperative to ensure productivity and user satisfaction.


Make the application fast and friendly by creating default settings and automatic form-filling.

9.  Time & cost

Enterprise application development is a time-consuming process. It is more so if the approach is not clear. Cost related to time and resources is expected to be high.


Make use of a regulatory framework such as WisdmTREAD that uses a modular architecture. This helps to bring down the development time.

10. ROI is low in enterprise app development

Necessitating detailed planning and expertise, enterprise app development and maintenance proves to be expensive.


Setting relevant KPIs associated with goals and performing regular evaluations and comparisons is essential.


Enterprise applications prove to be complex systems. It is essential that entrepreneurs and businesses must partner with the right professionals to face the challenges related to enterprise mobile app development. Your mobile app must be capable of increasing your business productivity, improving the processes, and ensuring a competitive advantage.




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