Boosting your Business through the Pandemic – Technology 101

COVID-19 is the catalyst for digital transformation and highlights the security of a technologically-sound business model.

“The Future is here” – Words we didn’t think we’ll use in 2020. While the pandemic put a pause to several of our ‘usual’ activities, statistically speaking, it fast-forwarded digitization by five years.

Forced to rethink and pivot strategies, businesses are successfully manoeuvring through the pandemic with technology. And these tech-friendly alternatives are here to stay; with benefits that will outlast the pandemic, they pave the way to the much-coveted competitive edge.

For all those who perceive digital transformation as a daunting task, our tech mavens have a few suggestions for you stay ahead of the trend curve and leverage optimum solutions for your business.


Earlier this year, when the pandemic brought about a worldwide lockdown, businesses digitized their workflow to provide flexible working conditions. Floundering to manage data, while some took the risk of sharing information over third-party platforms, others found cloud computing as a much safer and smoother option. Cloud Computing allows businesses to store, access, and work on data over the cloud, the Internet. With 24/7 and remote accessibility, it makes for a scalable solution to enhance efficiency and mobility.

Such applications let individuals exchange or concurrently work on projects from different locations. Tailored to suit the needs of the business, they also allow selective access to confidential data.

Chatbot Development

Starting from the initial days of the pandemic to the current environment of looser social distancing norms, AI-powered chatbots have played a significant role across industries. Right from scheduling an appointment at the doctor’s, reserving a table for dinner, or contacting customer service executives, this technology guarantees prompt, 24/7, and seamless communication.

The capabilities of machine learning and artificial intelligence are maturing with every passing day, leading to smarter and more proactive bots. Furthermore, the pandemic has had us all hooked onto the convenience of digital, making conversational chatbots a basic consumer expectation.

Mobile App Development

With smartphones as the only contact to the outside world for most of the year, the pandemic has led to a surge in the usage of apps. Today, individuals are scrolling through their pocket-sized screens for solutions spanning over industries, including healthcare, entertainment, social networking, educational, and most importantly, delivery services.

Digitizing brick-and-mortar doesn’t just relieve businesses of the expenses; it increases reach and enhances customer experience using the theatrics of technology, including immersive solutions.

Making the most of AI & Data

The current turbulent times demand data-driven efficiency; businesses must keep up with the ever-changing trends and make prompt but informed decisions. Now, with life and work online, companies have better access to data. Apart from powering chatbots, AI can be used to process and transform this data into an actionable state. This technology marvel helps businesses maintain high performance by automating workloads, predicting behaviour, managing data, and streamlining promotional endeavours.

To sum up, 2020 has demonstrated the significance of digital readiness. Shaping a technologically-advanced infrastructure will be essential for any business to survive and remain competitive post-pandemic.




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