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Leading Technologies in EdTech

The theatrics of technology are reimagining pedagogy, and how!

2020 may have earned Digital the title of the ‘New Normal,’ but technology has been marvelling us, in more ways than one, since much before this dreaded pandemic. Take for instance, educational technology, commonly known as EdTech.

Current circumstances may limit your perception of EdTech to children attending lectures on Zoom, but this maturing industry encompasses all IT tools that facilitate better learning experiences. Remember the days when you were caught daydreaming in class or when you struggled to complete your book before your teacher erased the blackboard?

The influx of technology in education chalks out these restrictions, and here, we’ll help you understand how.

1. 24/7 Access

On the surface, technology may come across a streamlined solution for storing data, but the anytime-anywhere access is the icing on the cake. Remote cloud servers of apps make it possible for each and every one to access educational materials; it allows one to stay updated and make productive use of time while on the go.

2. Immersive Learning

Wouldn’t you learn about space faster and better if you were to see the planets yourself? Bringing the milky way to your doorstep is just one of the many ways by which Augmented and Virtual Reality aid education. An immersive access to a real-time broadcast happening across the globe is another notable benefit of this technology.

3. Prompt Solutions

In the yesteryears, looking for a definition meant burying your head deep into a dictionary, but with technological advancement, the answer is just a “Hey Google/Siri/Alexa” away! When coupled with smart accessories, such technology allows a student to learn and communicate promptly anytime, anywhere. Moreover, speech-to-text options have made note-taking much easier and productive for adults.

4. Fostering Imagination & Creativity

A thumb rule of marketing is to meet your consumers where they are; similarly, in the education domain, it’s proved that children are more receptive in a fun and eventful environment. Employing gamification technology fosters development by evoking imagination and creativity. For instance, children can better their knowledge in a particular subject through activities like quizzes and crossword puzzles.

5. Access to International Expertise

Advances in technology allow one to access quality educational materials from tutors hailing from different parts of the world. Apart from providing a global outlook and exposure to students, with a better track over records, and increased mobility and flexibility, its benefits extend to teachers as well.


While the EdTech industry has been evolving over the years, we can’t deny the fact that 2020 is responsible for the strong push in its progress. Today, making the right investments and choosing the optimum technology for education boils to down to how accurately one notices a problem. We foresee a rise of wearable app development and an increased integration of AI, AR, VR, and Blockchain, but each problem calls for a unique solution. An important step in our process that you must consider too is tailoring these technologies to best suit your need.

As the renowned author and educator George Couros believed, “Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers is transformational.”




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