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How 2021 Can Be The Year of Enterprise Applications?

The market sector of enterprise apps development is always on a growth sprout in recent years. Especially since the development in modern computing, data center management, and other related areas, the field is seeing a tremendous development. However, experts believe that 2021 could redefine the field completely and set a pioneer for what is about to come in the future. What can you expect in 2021 in this genre?

Whom does it concern?

These developments and solutions from any enterprise app development company were once relevant to only the top brands or businesses that were ready to shell out a large sum of money. However, the development of SaaS redefined the audience pool. It allowed medium and small companies to reap the benefits of choosing enterprise solutions. According to Markets Insider, in 2009, SaaS covered only 2% of the market share. In 2020, the SaaS took hold of 23% of the enterprise apps development market. 2021 is the beginning of improvement in PaaS and IaaS (platform as a service and infrastructure as a service).

Growth in 2021

Here are the four major areas where 2021 has huge changes in stock for you.

1. The code move of 2021

The companies under enterprise mobile app development aim at creating a multiplatform, dynamic, and complex infrastructure. Thus, the companies have begun the new trend of every service as a code. For instance, Checkov offers security configuration as a code, Airflow offers data pipelines as code, and so on.

The main advantage of code services is eliminating technical complexity, resource constraint, and high budget requirement. Pretty soon, many companies would involve in this new way of creating and managing version-controlled programmatic patterns.

2. Integration of digital ecosystem

The apps are no longer a supportive mechanism. Companies prefer using the mobile app for complex tasks too. Thus, there is a need for complete software development to accumulate data via smartphone sensors while keeping data confidentiality and battery life in mind.

The best example of this feature is the OBD2-based monitoring of fleets, which uses an app to connect with all portable units and IoT systems.

3. VPC as a service

Any enterprise mobile app development company dealing with IaaS, SaaS, or PaaS knows the difficulty in managing those services on public clouds. Since the risk of data leakage and security concerns are developing, hybrid clouds are becoming more challenging. According to a study, the cost of ransomware attacks would reach $6 trillion by the end of 2021. In 2018, there were 30 million cyberattacks, and it is growing tremendously.

Now, the enterprise app development company can choose the VPC option (virtual private cloud). In this solution, the company can have the advantages of a public cloud, but with the infrastructure advantage and network isolation of the private cloud. The companies can enjoy VPC as a service with personal SSO/SAML, role-based access management, and an end-to-end encryption model.

4. Open-source infrastructure unicorns

Although many enterprise apps development companies rely on the cloud, it just accounts for a small fraction of the market share. However, the cloud is evolving, and the reference architectures must follow suit. Soon, the on-premise systems might become major failure points. Thus, the companies would plan to move their legacy ETL system, gateways, data services, and others to vertical services.

In 2021, the evolution of mix-and-match hosted and managed services will begin with cloud-native design, code-centric, and lower cost of operation. Druid, Flink, Arrow, and other major brands are on the verge of developing open-source infrastructure for the future generation.


According to Workfront State of Work Report of 2020, 84% of businesses believe that their resistance to more towards modern solutions is the primary reason for missing out opportunities. Is your application information-rich, user-friendly, scalable, and easy to use? Are you able to meet your customer’s requirements with your enterprise app? If not, it is time to optimize it with the new technology.

Remember that not all updates for right or necessary for your business. It is also not wise to choose all the advancements that your benchmark does. Let an expert determine the right technology and upgrades based on your product/service, mission, budget, and audience.

Do you want the best for your business? Get in touch with our experts today.




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